Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Mechanisms I Use when Face With Difficulties

Turning aganist yourself: Whenever something bad happened in my life, weather it was in my family or a fight that included my closest friends, I often think it's my fault. There are times when a close friend of mine or even my mom are upset about something, I think I did something wrong. Also when I get a bad grade in school, I always blame myself and complain in my head such as "why didn't i study more?" or "maybe I'm stupid,". When something bad happens to me, I don't think it is anyone else's fault but my own.

Intellectualization: I usually don't make anything great a big deal. When I got accepted into college or the first time I got straight A's, I was proud, but not too proud that I would talk about it or that when I found out I was jumping up and down screaming. I was just like, "yeah, whatever," because I don't want to rub it in anyone's face. I don't like making things too big of a deal, even though it's supposed to be.

Repression: Of course with everyone, we face a challenges or an event that we don't want to remember. For a long time, these painful memories would come back to me everyday, but a couple of years ago, I started to block them from my mind. I didn't want to remember very painful events, so I would block it out as much as possible.