Monday, February 14, 2011

The Lost Hour

I was surprise that while reading the lost hour was how much information we could lose. Teens and adults have difficulty sleeping, I believe because we try to cram things in one day and the more we lose sleep, the more we lose our memory. That was what really impact me while reading the packet. I was also surprised that a study showed that those in 6th grade who did not get enough sleep perfromed at a 4th grade level the next morning. For me, I get about 8.5 hours of sleep so the "lost hour" doesn't effect me but among my peers, I don't really notice anything. I know it's bad, but at this age, it seems normal for a teen to go to bed at like, 1am and I find myself the strange one for going to bed at 9 or 10. But I do see how my peers are tired the next morning and have a hard time concentrating the next day, but eventually they wake up.

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