Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bandura Post

In a few sentences, list any and all specific media or cultural items that your parents or grandparents think are bad influences on you, and explain the impact that these items have had on you if any (i.e. specific types of music, video games, TV, movies, celebrities, specific sites on the internet, etc.)

TV: how teenagers, actresses/actors, famous people dress and act on TV. Has no effect on me.

Internet: We get attach to the internet and learn things just by researching it and communicating with other people, including strangers. Has very little effect on me.

Technology: Growing rapidly, especially among teenagers and not being good for our health. Technology has effect how I do work, learn, and play games. I rarely go outside and play or excersie.

One of the people I mostly imitate is my mother because she is a single mom, I never had the chance to imitate anyone else. She was the only adult that raised and took care of me as a child. My mother is kind and cares about people and she is a good person. She has taught me that everyone is equal and no one is different because of how he/she looks. I will never forget the one time we went to Shoprite in town and someone working there was a Muslim. My mother talked to her with a smile and talked about the heavy rain outside. Before leaving, the lady told my mother, “be safe out there,”. After that, my mother taught me that there are many ideas out there, but none of them are correct or number one, despite what people say. Even our religion is something that we believe in, but it doesn't make it right to say it is the number one religion, only because it works for us and no one else.

Believe it or not, I will say my “attitudes” are from my teachers, not my mother. I see how my teacher's attitudes are and I feel like I copy that. If I am in a room with a really nice and excited teacher, I will be excited too. I could be excited for the whole day. If a teacher is upset or angry, I will be upset or angry by the time I am out of the class.

Everything else I have like the way I speak, thinking, behavior, and habits are things that are me. I had trouble speaking as a child, so my speaking is unique and people say my thinking is very strange and thought provoking. My mother doesn't even know where my “process thinking” came from, I think it something I grew from myself. My behavior and habits are similar, like twirling a pencil or sucking on my tongue when I'm bored. My habits and behavior are also things that are my own because no one I know do them, just me. It's nothing I picked up on TV or from any living person. So a lot of things are actually things that I never saw imitating.

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