Monday, April 11, 2011

"Born Rich"

Born Rich is a documentary video about kids who are born rich and don't need to worry about money and getting a job. The film was made by Jamie Johnson, a rich kid himself through the Johnson and Johnson's company.

In the film almost all of the kids were different from me. They don't have to worry about money, going poor, getting what they want, doing what they want, ect. They get everything by the time they are born. They can buy anything they want, can ride helicopters, ect. I believe that is the main differences because everyday I wonder if I will have enough money to buy this or buy that or how much money loan I'll need for college. The kids in the film don't need to worry about that.

The similarity I found was the information about not sharing money. I grew up with my mother telling me that money is a discussion only in the house and with the family. The kids on the video were very wary about sharing information about their wealth and money, but every family has that issues about sharing that type of information. Also one of the kids is going to college and living the life of a regular college kid, he chose living on campus over living in a mansion that could be close by. I was surprise at this because I never knew a rich kid wanted to be so much like a regular college kid. That part was very interesting.

While watching the film I noticed that many of the kids get their motivation from the same thing. They are motivated to not make an embarrassment on their family. They know that if they do something wrong, their families will go down with them and they may lose their rights to their family's money. All the kids try to be good children for their parents so they don't get in trouble with the public and to get some of that, if not, all of that money. There are even some kids who said that their parents told them that if they don't work, they will get nothing. So from what I've seen it's their family's money that drives them or motivates them to be good people. I believe my motivation is different because I have to motivate myself, I try not to be motivate by any other way. I motivate myself to get up, go to school, and do my work. Many of my teachers have taught me that I work hard and I know that if I do good in high school and college that my dream of becoming a teacher is one step closer.

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