Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Birth Order

Due to complications in my family I am both an only child and the youngest. My mom adopted me when I was young and I was raised not sharing my mom. When I was two, almost three we moved into a house with my aunt and her cousin and than I became the youngest and had to share toys with my new "big brother".

In strengths I learned perseverance and if I want something I'll keep trying and if I fall, I'll get back up. My weakness is in people's skill if I am put in a large group but in a small group, I'll do fine. Another weakness is school academics, I'm creative but not gifted in many art fields, but I am gifted in writing or so I've heard. I like to help people and speak in front of people, if I know the facts and I do like the attention on me only sometimes when I feel like it.

I grew up with my cousin for about sixteen years in the same house. When we were little we fought over toys and games, we shared and played together. We had a normal "sibling" relationship. My cousin has made me the baby in the family in which if he bothers me, I go straight to mom or my aunt. Now that we are older, he doesn't tease me anymore. But I've seen the mistakes that my cousin has made and I've been able to prevent those from happening to me. It makes me want to do better than my cousin. I want to be the child that my parents speak about because during 11th grade all I heard was about my cousin going off to college and this and that and nothing about me. So I found ways to make my parents talk about me or even get notice in school.

The research about birth order is somewhat true. I would say I take more risks than my cousin, I'm creative, and I'm the "baby" in the family. But because I don't have to share my mother, I also fall into the "only child" category and there are somethings in that category that fit me. But I believe it also depends on the age difference between siblings. But my mom has made me spoil, but I don't take advantage of that and my mom always pays attention to me, just like my aunt mostly pays attention to my cousin. But when we got into fights and only one parent was home, they would usually find out what was wrong and usually sided with me. But we never had to share our mothers with anyone and they pay only attention to us.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nature vs Nurture: My Story and Thoughts

I believe the Nature vs Nurture theory is in between. Because base of things I was born with and the experiences I went through has made me who I am today.

Nature: I was a born with a hearing disorder that was not discovered until I was two years old. I also discovered my dyslexia when I was sixteen years old.

Nurture: My family loves and cares about me, including extended family. But once I entered school, I show difficulties in learning to read, write, spell, and do simple math. I was put into the special educations system when I was almost seven years old and my struggles caused me to gain low-self esteem and getting in trouble with teachers. I started to show emotional stress after entering middle school.

Even though because of nurture, my struggles in school is connect to me having dyslexia and not discovering it until I was in my late teens. So that is why I believe the two intertwine. If I did not have dyslexia, maybe should would have been easier. If I discovered my dyslexia earlier, then I would have gotten the right help and learn to cope with the learning disability at an early age rather than in high school.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Brain: A User's Guide

The following three, I believe, are the most important insight of early development (baby’s brain to teenage brain).
Second Language: An infant or a young child before the age of 10 can easily pick up a second language. I believe every child should learn at least one other language that is different from their native language. If children learn a second language, they will be more open to the world than children who don’t learn a second language.
Reading: Reading is a strange process. When someone reads they have to see the word, understand its meaning, put together with the other words on the page, and imagine an image of what is going on in the book. Reading can be done very simple for and adult and a child once they start to learn. But there are children who struggle with reading, but they need to learn how to read because it is something they will face for the rest of their lives.
Awareness of the prefrontal cortex: During the teenage years, the prefrontal cortex is changing and becoming more mature. But this makes teenagers very emotional and lose knowledge of right from wrong and having them think they are invincible. These are the years that teenagers fight with parents and may turn to drugs and alcohol. If the prefrontal cortex is developing in a wrong way, this can lead to schizophrenia.

Extend of Problem Should They Be "Diseases of the Brain"?

There are people in the world who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Some will believe that they are addicted to it and it is their fault, while others believe it is a disease in the brain.
I personally believe that drugs and alcohol are NOT diseases of the brain. I believe that when people get depressed they will take certain steps to get out of their depression. Some will eat others will sleep and there are people in the world who will turn to drugs and alcohol to get rid of the depression. Most likely for those individuals, it will become an addiction unless they get help. But I never once thought that addiction was a disease of the brain.
Depression is different. Depression is a mental disorder in which many people suffer from. Besides alcoholism and drug addiction, depression is a disease of the brain. There is a chemical imbalance and for many people they have to seek medication. I know someone who suffers from major depression and he would cut himself over and over again on the arm. When he thought enough was enough, he seek helped and was put on medicine and now sees a therapist once a week and he has not cut himself in almost 6 months. Depression hurts a lot of people and it can get dangerous.

Psyche Career Fair

The top three I really liked are the following:

1. school psychology
2. educational psychology
3. geriatric psychology

I like these three the most because they involve helping people. The first two have to deal with school and children while geriatric psychology has to deal with helping the elderly.

I don't think I'll major in psychology because I really want to be a teacher and teach kids, rather then figuring out what's wrong with them. I'm also not very good with speaking to people and giving advice.

It's useful when you're reading a book or watching a movie. You can identify what's wrong with a character or why they are like that. In the real world it's useful because you will have answers about why people act the way they are.

6 Questions About You

1. How important have your early childhood experiences and relationships been in shaping who you are today?: Due to certain childhood experiences, such as being stung by a bee too many times, has made me very causes and have a fear of bees and have a phobia called apiphobia. If I never got stung, most likely I wouldn't have the phobia.

2. How does the way you have been rewarded, punished, and disciplined over the course of your life affect who you are today?: The punishments and rewards I got has effect me on how to act outside my household and in the world.

3. Explain how the following factors have influenced who you are today: religion, ethnicity, gender, hometown, county: Religion has effected the way that I think about the world and God. My religion has taught me to help others and be kind. Ethnicity is important too because I'm a minority and seen as a second class citizen and this has shaped me how I see other minorities and those who are not.