Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nature vs Nurture: My Story and Thoughts

I believe the Nature vs Nurture theory is in between. Because base of things I was born with and the experiences I went through has made me who I am today.

Nature: I was a born with a hearing disorder that was not discovered until I was two years old. I also discovered my dyslexia when I was sixteen years old.

Nurture: My family loves and cares about me, including extended family. But once I entered school, I show difficulties in learning to read, write, spell, and do simple math. I was put into the special educations system when I was almost seven years old and my struggles caused me to gain low-self esteem and getting in trouble with teachers. I started to show emotional stress after entering middle school.

Even though because of nurture, my struggles in school is connect to me having dyslexia and not discovering it until I was in my late teens. So that is why I believe the two intertwine. If I did not have dyslexia, maybe should would have been easier. If I discovered my dyslexia earlier, then I would have gotten the right help and learn to cope with the learning disability at an early age rather than in high school.

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