Saturday, November 6, 2010

6 Questions About You

1. How important have your early childhood experiences and relationships been in shaping who you are today?: Due to certain childhood experiences, such as being stung by a bee too many times, has made me very causes and have a fear of bees and have a phobia called apiphobia. If I never got stung, most likely I wouldn't have the phobia.

2. How does the way you have been rewarded, punished, and disciplined over the course of your life affect who you are today?: The punishments and rewards I got has effect me on how to act outside my household and in the world.

3. Explain how the following factors have influenced who you are today: religion, ethnicity, gender, hometown, county: Religion has effected the way that I think about the world and God. My religion has taught me to help others and be kind. Ethnicity is important too because I'm a minority and seen as a second class citizen and this has shaped me how I see other minorities and those who are not.

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