Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Brain: A User's Guide

The following three, I believe, are the most important insight of early development (baby’s brain to teenage brain).
Second Language: An infant or a young child before the age of 10 can easily pick up a second language. I believe every child should learn at least one other language that is different from their native language. If children learn a second language, they will be more open to the world than children who don’t learn a second language.
Reading: Reading is a strange process. When someone reads they have to see the word, understand its meaning, put together with the other words on the page, and imagine an image of what is going on in the book. Reading can be done very simple for and adult and a child once they start to learn. But there are children who struggle with reading, but they need to learn how to read because it is something they will face for the rest of their lives.
Awareness of the prefrontal cortex: During the teenage years, the prefrontal cortex is changing and becoming more mature. But this makes teenagers very emotional and lose knowledge of right from wrong and having them think they are invincible. These are the years that teenagers fight with parents and may turn to drugs and alcohol. If the prefrontal cortex is developing in a wrong way, this can lead to schizophrenia.

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